But one of my friends had never been, and didn't want to go alone, and offered to drive. So off we went.
Triumph was back this year, which was pretty nice. Unfortunately I don't seem to have many pictures of the place. Only my phone pictures have turned up on my computer, which I freely admit I don't understand but can't do anything about. What pictures I do have are mostly of Blue, my Limited Edition Star Wars Build-a-bear, sitting on motorcycles.

My friend (Deb) was looking for a new helmet, and that took up much of our time. The show is a good place to try things on and ask for opinions. It didn't take long before she discarded the helmets she had researched before arriving and started looking at new models, finally settling on the HJC RPS-10. She had to order the pattern she wanted, but I hear she is very happy with it.
Blue tried out a lot of bikes

The pink bunny is Shine, who travels with Deb sometimes. I guess bunnies don't know much about bikes, or Blue was trying to impress her. I saw him talking motorcycles with her some.

After Deb had her helmet and we sat on a few more bikes it was 9pm and time to head home. I was tired and I think I slept some of the way. Yay for not driving.