Sunday, December 27, 2009

Winter and stuff

There was a rumor of a sledding party today at the lakefront, actually on a really big hill that I thought would be good for a few pictures. And carnage, lets face it I was looking for some crashes.

I was disappointed though, as no one actually showed up. Or, if they did, they didn't stand out from the family who was already there sledding when I got there.

Still, it was a nice day, for being on a motorcycle in Wisconsin in December. So I took the chance for a Ural photo op -

Okay, I actually took about 10 pictures here, but this one turned out really well. My 'regular' camera didn't survive my recent move, so I've been limited to my phone camera. 3.2 mega pixals, with a LED flash. Its not bad, really, but I do need to replace it. I can, actually, with a free gift catalogue from work...which I lost somewhere in my house. All well.

After bumming around at the lakefront I headed inland to meet my mom for a Christmas lunch. She got me a rather cool book, and I got her a gift card, loving son that I am.

I did some shopping after that, nothing too major. I'm sure I'll mention it again later.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Sunday I rode all the way (okay, not really far) to Johnny V's Classic
Cafe, near the state fairgrounds in West Allis. Located in a strip mall,
it has a sort of charm. Neon signs and an attempt to conjour the classic
diner feel. They don't quite pull it off, but the food is good and I
enjoyed the company I was meeting.

After breakfast, and some virtual tire kicking (I was the only one to
ride, despite the incredibly mild weather) most of the group headed to
the local Harbor Freight, where a motorcycle lift was on sale. I stayed
a bit longer to discuss the Motorcycle Accident Management program
gaining local momentum. It is currently very HD orientated, causing some
non HD groups to shy away. One of my breakfast-mates is involved in the
program but unable to become a lead instructor, though I would be if I
was interested. I'll have to look into it.

After that I headed to Harbor Freight just in time to load 381lbs of
lift onto the back of a truck. Timing, it seems, is everything. That
done, a small caravan headed off to the destination to unload, while the
other half of the group wandered out of the store, wondering where
everyone went. A brief conversation revealed none of us had the correct
phone numbers to get the destination address, so with shrugs we headed
our separate ways.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Its hard to know what bike to take when I want to go somewhere, the downside of having more than one bike I suppose.

I would like to do a big ride, like all of the Americas, and write a book, keep a blog (maybe even with video), and have people give me money for it. Would be nice, I know.

I have the Ural, most expensive bike I own to ride around, but everyone loves the ural. It attracts attention in ways no other bike does. Even dirty.

Adultery, my sr250 is the cheapest bike I have. Light too. Riders would be impressed with it, maybe, but I don't know about anyone else.

Then there is the xs11s. Cheaper to run than the Ural, more powerful than the 250. But I don't know if even riders would care too much about those. Of course, those are my favorite bikes.

Hard choices.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I need to be better.

Its easy to say you're going to do better at writing, better at keeping up a blog, better and life in general. But the actual details, the daily grind of it is something else entirely.

I know I am doing good things, but they are not the things I want to be doing. And I get scared and distracted looking at that first step to go from where I am to where I want to be. Its a higher, loftier place, and the fall would be much worse from there. Or even along the way.

Fear is not the way life should be led, though it very often is. Its easy to be afraid, easy to find a reason not to go or do. Easy and comfortable to stay where its warm and safe, with a cat on your lap and a warm cup of cocoa. Its possible you, I, don't even notice the fear anymore.

But its there, curled around the leg of the coffee table and chair, holding us in place. Holding me in place. I know its there, even as I sit comfortable, full and content.

But you can't live in fear.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hick ups and stumbles

I didn't get my writing done yesterday. I did have time, but just didn't do it. Felt bad, but after thinking about it today decided to still only do 30minutes instead of "catching up." A good decision, I think.

After work I went to two wheel Tuesday, popularly called TwT. A collection of different ridersa and their bikes at a culvers on the NW side of town. The crowd was small, probably because it was in the 50s and overcast. Despite it being June we still seem to be stuck in April. I guess that's better than January, but still.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Good weekend. I've managed to get writing done, though while I am keeping the writing prompts I think I will work on the Nano novel from last year. I might also work on another story idea I've got in my head. I will also accept outline writing, but not research. I should be spending my 30 minutes writing.

I spent most of today out. Breakfest in wautoma for Debs birthday. Others came too, which was nice of them since the weather was singularly crappy. After breakfest was ice cream at Milty Wilty, also good. The weather would've been nice in March, but this is June and I was disappointed. On the way home from ice cream I saw hints of blue sky, but it didn't last and milwaukee was cold. Warm tea and my furnace helped with my chill, but I still can't help but wonder where summer is.


Friday, June 5, 2009

New year in June?

I was going to do a better job at writing and blogging this year, and while I started off well, I have faded in the last few months.

There have been other things going on, of course. I injured my ankle at a fencing meet, which meant I couldn't fence. That seems to take a lot of the vis out of my life when it happens, just as when I can't ride for some reason.

I've also been on 2 long motorcycle trips, which should've been excellent blogging oppurtunties, but both of which I let slip by. That is pretty unforgivable on my part, and I must do better.

But, I am officially returned to fencing June 1, and have committed myself to writing every day (30 minutes is my current target, something I can even sneak in at work), and with that I plan to spend a few minutes on my blog as well.

Oh, and I'll try not to complain about Twilight, either. Okay?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Stupid Groundhog

So that little furry Phil (who actually didn't look very little) called for more winter, and the temps promptly dropped. I'm not saying it's his fault, but if he and I ever meet there are going to be words.

Of course, historically Phil is only right a little over a their of the time. And this up coming weekend is supposed to be very mice (I work, of course). So perhaps I shouldn't be so though on the guy. Or at least consider him more like a celeb than a weatherman. I mean, it's not like he really gets to look for his shadow and return to his little hut. Some guys in formal wear just hold him, and pretend to listen to what he says.

So really I should blame the guys in formal wear.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Wisconsin Closed Fencing Meet was today, I didn't start well, but ended up fencing well. Serious mental failure caused me to be knocked out in the epee DE, but other than that I am okay with how I did. Could've done better in foil, but the DE I lost was a good bout, so I don't have any complaints.

Thought about pulling Suffering's carbs, but am sore an a bit tired, and decided to read instead. Noted the vikings lost their game today, which is good. I don't really like them.

Have to work tomorrow. Seems like it's been a long time since I was there, so I guess that's okay. Not looking forward to it, exactly, but not dreading it either. Yet, anyway. Tomorrow is another day.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year, time to try again

Well, I combined all my blogs into this one, so now I just have to update it more than 3 times a year. Perhaps that is a good resolution? Time will tell.

It is mid winter, and I still don't have a car. The Ural, with knobbie tires and a big windshield is doing very well, better than last year with the smaller windshield and road tires. I am a little concerned the tires won't last the winter, but seem to be doing well so far. I'm not planning on going to mexico on them or anything.

This is also the time of year for me to thinking about this year's road trips. It looks like I am going to Orlando twice in spring. During March for a training (Paid for by work, and they pay me on top of it), and again in May, to see a space shuttle launch (Again on work's tab, but they aren't going to pay me while I'm gone. Well, I have vacation time). Other than that, where to go?

And I am going to (try) to focus more on writing this year. I say that every year. This blog will, I hope, be part of that. Time will tell on that one, of course.

Oh, and I'm fencing again. And horrible out of shape. I weigh around 200 pounds, which I know doesn't sound that bad, but I should and want to be about 185. Fencing is hard but I am being less than consistant practise than I should be and it shows in the results. Next meet is in 2 days, and I am much less ready than I would like. There is little I can do about that now.

So, I guess that is it for now. Lets hope for another post soon, huh?

Keep the rubber side down