Walking home I saw the wet tire marks on the road, and know that the temps were cold enough for ice to form. I had said at the start of this winter I would not go riding when conditions were potentially dangerous, unless I had too. Then I decided I had to go for a ride, just for sanity sake. Heather was at work, so she couldn't object, so I put on my stuff sent her a text saying I was off, and headed out to the bike.

The alley looked like, well, packed snow over ice actually. I walked back and forth a few times, working out the best route. Typically, I then didn't take it.

The (sorta) pristine snow in front of the garage. Remember this for later.

Bike running, mostly warmed up. I am as ready as I can be, I guess.
As a confession, I am a bit of a gamer geek. Not computer games, Role-playing games (Like dungeon and dragons), and other sort of table games. One company, whose I have not played for a while due to lack of somewhere to play, recently opened a store near here, and I had a spur of the moment urge to go and visit. It was farther than bowling, but I was already going out.
The ride was...fine. I didn't fall over, which is always good. The road condition varied a lot, but was generally okay, 2 days after a snowfall.

Parking lot at the game store. It was very icy, but the Beemer dealt with it well.
After going in, saying hi, and watching some playing (Important to scope out a place to play before actually going there too. Game places are like bars, some you just don't want to be in.), I decided to head to the bowling alley. While I took the interstate to the store, this would be surface streets. There were some patches that could have been icy, but I either avoided them or just lucked out.

The bowling alley parking lot. Looks like fun, huh?

The Beemer at the bowling alley. I found a spot that was not iced in. My fellow employees were surprised to see me, but got over it and bought me sodas. Both teams lost. I was going to order a pizza, but never got the chance. Bowling alleys seem to have the best pizza.
The ride home was fine, and my trust in the Beemer grew. Last winter I had much worse tires, and I think these new ones are working out better (Marathon on the back, Lasertec on the front). The ride back into the alley was fine, though the rear did slip out a little as I was turning in. I was a little nervous because a truck had been following me, and I wasn't sure he was turning onto the alley as well.
My next surprise was a complete inability to get the Beemer back into the garage.

Don't they always look like they are about to fall over? There is a small ridge right at the edge of my garage, and I had all kinds of issues trying to get the bike over it. Worse, the parking spot is narrow, and I had to start over once because it was not lined up right.

I did get it in, however. And take a look at the snow in front of the garage now....

Nice and matted down.
All in all, it was a good ride, since I didn't crash. Played more with the heated gear too, but the temps (in the 20s) were not that cold compared to the clothes I was wearing. I need to be aware of the electric heat and dress lighter. Live and learn.
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