Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hick ups and stumbles

I didn't get my writing done yesterday. I did have time, but just didn't do it. Felt bad, but after thinking about it today decided to still only do 30minutes instead of "catching up." A good decision, I think.

After work I went to two wheel Tuesday, popularly called TwT. A collection of different ridersa and their bikes at a culvers on the NW side of town. The crowd was small, probably because it was in the 50s and overcast. Despite it being June we still seem to be stuck in April. I guess that's better than January, but still.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Good weekend. I've managed to get writing done, though while I am keeping the writing prompts I think I will work on the Nano novel from last year. I might also work on another story idea I've got in my head. I will also accept outline writing, but not research. I should be spending my 30 minutes writing.

I spent most of today out. Breakfest in wautoma for Debs birthday. Others came too, which was nice of them since the weather was singularly crappy. After breakfest was ice cream at Milty Wilty, also good. The weather would've been nice in March, but this is June and I was disappointed. On the way home from ice cream I saw hints of blue sky, but it didn't last and milwaukee was cold. Warm tea and my furnace helped with my chill, but I still can't help but wonder where summer is.


Friday, June 5, 2009

New year in June?

I was going to do a better job at writing and blogging this year, and while I started off well, I have faded in the last few months.

There have been other things going on, of course. I injured my ankle at a fencing meet, which meant I couldn't fence. That seems to take a lot of the vis out of my life when it happens, just as when I can't ride for some reason.

I've also been on 2 long motorcycle trips, which should've been excellent blogging oppurtunties, but both of which I let slip by. That is pretty unforgivable on my part, and I must do better.

But, I am officially returned to fencing June 1, and have committed myself to writing every day (30 minutes is my current target, something I can even sneak in at work), and with that I plan to spend a few minutes on my blog as well.

Oh, and I'll try not to complain about Twilight, either. Okay?