I was disappointed though, as no one actually showed up. Or, if they did, they didn't stand out from the family who was already there sledding when I got there.
Still, it was a nice day, for being on a motorcycle in Wisconsin in December. So I took the chance for a Ural photo op -
Okay, I actually took about 10 pictures here, but this one turned out really well. My 'regular' camera didn't survive my recent move, so I've been limited to my phone camera. 3.2 mega pixals, with a LED flash. Its not bad, really, but I do need to replace it. I can, actually, with a free gift catalogue from work...which I lost somewhere in my house. All well.
After bumming around at the lakefront I headed inland to meet my mom for a Christmas lunch. She got me a rather cool book, and I got her a gift card, loving son that I am.
I did some shopping after that, nothing too major. I'm sure I'll mention it again later.