Monday, December 14, 2009


Its hard to know what bike to take when I want to go somewhere, the downside of having more than one bike I suppose.

I would like to do a big ride, like all of the Americas, and write a book, keep a blog (maybe even with video), and have people give me money for it. Would be nice, I know.

I have the Ural, most expensive bike I own to ride around, but everyone loves the ural. It attracts attention in ways no other bike does. Even dirty.

Adultery, my sr250 is the cheapest bike I have. Light too. Riders would be impressed with it, maybe, but I don't know about anyone else.

Then there is the xs11s. Cheaper to run than the Ural, more powerful than the 250. But I don't know if even riders would care too much about those. Of course, those are my favorite bikes.

Hard choices.

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