Well, I hadn't planning on posting again so soon, but since Mother Nature decided to dump a whole lot of snow on Milwaukee last night, I figured I would share.
The snow started here at about 2am. By 3am the roads were already treacherous to 4 wheeled traffic. I was working in our dispatch center, which was good since that meant I could walk home, but we were hearing about things like white-outs, and a snowplow that had blown over.
That picture is of the road on my walk home. No sign of a plow yet. Maybe it was the one that blew over.
A few hours of sleep, and it was time to get up. I helped my Fiancee unbury her car, and get it onto a plowed road (Side streets still weren't plowed, and it is still snowing as I type)

Her car got moved, and I decided to spend some time getting the bike freed up.

The alley, doesn't look too bad, actually.

A few minutes with the shovel, and it looks like I can get the bike out. Now I just need somewhere to go. Oh, and the side streets clear. And maybe some salt down.
Well, tomorrow is another day. And I hear it is not even supposed to snow.
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